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Delivering dynamic omnichannel solutions to meet today’s marketing needs

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Strategy & Planning

Build a foundation for long-term, sustainable growth

Having a solid Marketing plan is a critical element to the success of a business. We offer multiple strategic services that help identify gaps and challenges in your current plan. Our goal is to develop recommendations that allow for profitable and scalable growth. We uncover the most relevant data points, conduct thorough competitive analysis, and identify industry best practices, to develop a growth plan that includes detailed forecasting, channel mix, and more.

We bring expertise in eCommerce, Drive to Retail, Shopper Marketing, Awareness, and Lead Generation to every client. Our award-winning approach consistently tells a story across consumer touchpoints while balancing reach, frequency, and the impact of convergence.

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Uncover powerful insights

Attribution is at our core. Demonstrating the true conversion power of a client’s advertising efforts across channels can be challenging. We are specialists in data synthesis & visualization, deriving business insights, audience selection & targeting, and reporting. 

Google Analytics 4, or GA4, is the newest iteration of Google Analytics, and represents a major departure from previous versions. As of July 1, 2023, legacy Google Analytics will stop processing web traffic, but you’ll still be able to see your historical data for at least six months. We can set up your GA4 account for you.

We’ll ensure your account is set up properly, so you don’t lose any data!

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Offline Media

Acquire & retain customers cost-effectively

Our team of consultants shares a common value with our clients: We all believe in the power of print.

We bring deep subject-matter expertise in commercial print and paper to every relationship as well as a nuanced understanding of the equipment and processes required to produce efficient and effective print solutions.

Offline Media plays an extremely important role in the marketing mix. By optimizing offline media, you will experience increased incrementality.

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Digital Media

Approach the digital landscape holistically to drive your omnichannel strategy

With almost 90% of customers starting their journey online, digital provides marketers the ability to reach their audiences earlier and more frequently than ever (source: Retail Dive).

From awareness to conversion to retention, digital media offers cost effective ways to fill the marketing funnel and move customers along the continuum. 

At Media Horizons, we ensure your digital strategy is fully integrated with your offline strategy, to create seamless customer experiences.

Let's synergize your marketing strategy.

Tapping into our 30+ years of industry experience, we will design a custom approach for an optimal media mix specific to your brand.