
Tom Says… Here’s What You Need to Know About the July USPS Increase

Thanks for bearing with us this month with this two-part post! We thought it would be helpful to refresh everyone about how postage rates are charged. Now, we can get to the super important details: this month’s USPS rate increase.

Effective July 9, 2023, the USPS has put into place the following increases in their postal categories. Keep in mind that while these percentages are overall changes, specific sortation increases will be larger in some areas than others creating fluctuations from these announced increases.

– First Class mail has increased on average of 5.38%

– Flats (catalog) mail is increasing 7.38%

– High Density / Saturation Flats is increasing 3.07%

– Carrier-Route mail is increasing 7.39%

– Letters is increasing 5.20%

– High Density / Saturation Letters is increasing 5.06%

– Periodicals (Magazines) is increasing 8.12%

– EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is increasing 4.76%

Letter Mail

Most letters mail optimally at a 5-Digit/SCF entry mail. The 5D/SCF for-profit rate has increased 5.82% to $0.291/pc. With non-profit rates increasing 6.25% to $.136/pc. Saturation & high-density mail offers lower rate possibilities, but they are very difficult to achieve in national demographic programs.  Commingling offers cooperative solutions to help minimize postage costs and should always be considered for pieces that do not qualify for 5-Digit/SCF entered rates.

Drop Ship SCF discounts for letters is increasing to $0.035/pc vs $0.030/pc & NDC discounts are now $0.027/pc vs $0.023/pc. Non-profit rates are increasing at a higher percentage than for-profit rates.

NEW: Effective with the July changes, the USPS is now offering a SCF entry Discount for 5-Digit & 3-Digit sorted mail. A similar discount was introduced for Flat Mail in July 2022, and it will offer some postage relieve for SCF pallets. Each qualified piece can earn $0.003/pc discount.

Flats – Four Ounces & Under

Basic Carrier Route mail will see average increases (6.82% at the SCF entry level), and High Density Plus and Saturation entry mail will see below average increases. High Density/SCF mail will see no increase after seeing much larger than average increases in the last several postal changes. Origin entered mail will see larger increases. 

As with letter mail, drop ship discounts are growing, $0.091/pc for SCF entry and $0.071/pc, over all sortation levels.

Non-profit rates four ounces and under will also see larger increases that for-profit mail. We have seen this common occurrence with non-profit rates happen over the past several postal changes as they are trying to narrow the gap difference.

The USPS is also increasing their 5-Digit Scheme Pallet and SCF Pallet Discounts to help minimize increases. The discounts are the same regardless of for-profit or non-profit qualified mail.

Flats – Over Four Ounces

There are significant changes taking place with flats mail over four ounces. Previously, postage for pieces in this rate category received a piece postage charge PLUS a pound postage charge applied on each fraction of a pound mailed. The new rates continue to apply a piece rate, but the pound rate will only be applied for each fraction of a pound over 4 ounces (0.25#). Comparing rates from January 2023 to July 2023 will look odd (see chart below) because the new rate structure is pushing more postage in the piece portion and less in the pound portion, it is comparing apples to oranges. Drop ship discounts for pieces over 4 ounces used to be discounted from the pound portion of postage, but it will now be discounted from the piece portion of postage. You can see the differences in the chart below.

To better understand the comparison of before and after rates, here are a few for-profit sortation scenarios calculated at different piece weights:

There are three scenarios above, High Density, Basic Carrier Route & 5-Digit flat postage. As the piece weight grows, the impact of the increase also grows at a substantial rate.  Heavier pieces are seeing much higher than average postal increases.

The same Pallet Discounts as outlined for Flats four ounces and under apply to pieces over four ounces giving some relief.

First Class Mail

– A stamped 1-ounce letter has increased to $0.66/pc from $0.63/pc (4.76% increase)

– First class flats have increased 7.15%

– First class postcards have increased to $0.355/pc from $0.352/pc (<1% increase)

USPS Promotions

As a general best practice, we advocate that all direct mail customers take advantage of the discount promotions that the USPS offers. The USPS has made the approval process much easier and more responsive with the addition of the Mailing Promotions Portal (MPP) on the USPS Gateway. The USPS is managing all inquiries and approvals through the portal, so it is imperative to sign up for the service.

2024 USPS Promotions

– Tactile, Sensory & Interactive – 5% USPS incentive for Marketing Mail & First-Class Mail – 2/1/2024 – 7/31/2024

– Personalized Color Transpromo – 3% or 4% USPS incentive for First Class Mail – February 1st – July 31st

– Emerging & Advanced Technology – 3% to 4% USPS incentive for Marketing Mail & First-Class Mail

*NEWDirect Mailer can pick the 6-month window they would like to use this promotion

– Reply Mail IMbA – 3% USPS incentive for First Class Mail – July 1st – December 31st

– Informed Delivery – 4% USPS incentive for Marketing Mail & First-Class Mail – August 1st – December 31st. The mail preparer also receives a 0.5% incentive from the USPS

– Retargeting Mail – 5% USPS incentive for First-Class Mail – September 1st – November 30th

Not only can we help you take advantage of these USPS promotions, but together we can add strategy and innovation to your print marketing efforts. Additionally, with our network of printers & suppliers, we’re bound to solve challenges together that you may not have known you even had! We look forward to helping you navigate these updates and most importantly, use them strategically to ultimately grow your brand. 


Tom Says… Here’s How Postage Rates Are Charged

We know you’ve been waiting for Tom’s latest update! So much has happened with the USPS in the last 1+ years, but we’re here to help you navigate this unchartered territory. Before we get into the actual updates that occurred this month, Tom wanted to be sure you understand the structure on how postage rates are charged.

A basic knowledge of sortation and destination entry will help with an understanding of the current rate structure.

Postal Sortation Qualification Requirements

The USPS offers discounted pricing for brands to sort the mail rather than having the USPS manage the sortation process. The higher the sortation level achieved by the brand, the lower the overall postage costs that are charged.  Achieving sortation levels to minimize postage costs are totally reliant upon where pieces are going and what volumes are going to those destinations. Common sortation qualifications include:

From top to bottom, the deeper sortation requires less USPS processing results in lower postal rates to the customer. For mailers to achieve high density & saturation postal rates, there either must be a significant volume of mail, or it must be a very regional mailing. 

Letter mail is sorted to the 5-Digit scheme rather than to the Basic Carrier Route level. The reason for this is because the USPS automation equipment will sort mail at the 5-Digit level, and they do not want mail in carrier-route bundles. The higher postage costs for Carrier-Route Letters discourage Carrier Route mail. There is an advantage for letter mail to sort to the HD, HD Plus or Saturation levels. However, it is very difficult to achieve without significant volumes. Sortation to more efficient levels is why cooperative mailing programs such as co-mail (flats & periodicals) or commingle (letters) exist and should be part of every mailing program.

Destination Entry

The USPS also offers discounts from the base rates if the mailer coordinates dropping the mail into the USPS at the destination rather than dropping at the mailer’s location. This is called destination or drop ship entry.  For this to make sense, the mailer will determine where pieces are mailing to and calculating if the USPS postal discounts exceed the additional freight costs, that the customers will be responsible for paying, in transporting and dropping to USPS facilities at the destination.

From top to bottom entry levels, origin mail is simple, but offers no discounts because the USPS must take responsibility to ship pieces to their destination while progressively larger discounts are offered for NDC, CSF & DDU entry.  DDU entry is difficult unless there is significant mail going into a specific (regional) area.  Most larger mailers will enter mail at the SCF level.

This is just a quick snapshot of how postage rates are charged. However, we felt it was important to reiterate some of these details. We all read headlines about “rate increases” and industry-wide postage changes, so we thought it would be helpful to set the stage. Stay tuned for part two highlighting the actual increases from the USPS this month!

Next up: The July 2023 USPS Increase – what it is and how you can combat it.